Sunday, May 31, 2015

It My Choice, It My life - Respect it

Before you all start thinking about the connectivity between this blog and most famous/controversial video by Deepika Padukone's "Its My Choice", yes its the source of the inspiration.

I have been a big harper of the fact that its my life and I will do whatever it takes for me to live life on my terms. But somehow this gets translated to the term arrogance. We are doing what others want us to do. For the best example, I have to marry so that my parents social status remains intact. Welcome to the middle class family story. Its like those typical bollywood stories of the 70s, A helpless mother, an old father, an unwed sister sitting near the window awaiting her prince on the white horse. If we are talking about the 70's then lets make on thing clear, women at that times never had much options. They were barely educated, ambitious and social. The only reason why they existed in this world is to get married, have sons and haress thier daughter in laws. And if by mistake they had girls then its like the worst crime that poor women has committed. She becomes a helpless poor soul searching for rich grooms for her daughters so that she can pay them dowry in return for their daughters.........Bullshit!!!!

Lets face it people we are living in 21st century and I am in  a much better position today. If I don't want to get married I don't. Its as simple of that. But.... We still live in a very dilusional world, so my choice becomes my arrogance. Well so be it. This videos about My choice comes in the right time and I share it with my sister. She does not agree to certain parts of the videos which is fine as she is entitle to her opinion. But making a mockery of this is an old habit that may not die fast. So there comes jokes, sub videos and message, which trust me are hilarious and super funny. 

The issue here is that people have understand that others too have a choice, you got to respect it. By mocking someone and saying "Let her learn the hardway" or her mind is getting rusted" or "Shes frustrated" does not help. Its simple, I don't like florescent so I wont wear it. I don't believe in marriages I wont get married. ITS MY CHOICE.

Life is all about the choices we make and the path we choose to get there. I strongly believe that there is no right and wrong in anyone's life. Its a choice that I made, respect it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Great Expectation

The absence of something make you realise the importance of it in your life. I hate summers. The only reason why I always waited for this season is mangoes and my birthday. Mangoes are now easily available in all seasons thanks to this new era of technology "Har Mausam Aam" and birthdays are now meant to be spent in solitude. But nevertheless i still hate summers. Sometimes it makes me wonder if we have switched the planetary position with Venus? It just gets hotter by the day. This is when I realised the importance of rains. Since then I have been singing. Rain Rain come again... Little nattu
wants to play... Lolzz
With all these thoughts I walked by the station heading towards my cute little paradise called home, I stumbled upon two incidents. The first one goes like this. As I exited my office premise I started walking on the pathway desperately trying to halt a taxi. There were two aunties already waiting on the spot before me. I continued to walk ahead and to my surprise a taxi agreed to drop me at my destination. This was not fair. They were waiting much before me. For a moment a did think to give them a ride, but taxiwalas here behave as if you have asked for their kidney or their liver. I didn't want to get into an argument so I royally ignored them and continued my journey to the station. Caught my train and headed home.
At my home station I came across the other incident. As I was climbing the bridge, there was a man in front of me. He skipped a step and fell. Like any normal person I leaped at him and offered my helping hand. He was up and promptly accompanied by his daughter. All I was expecting at this stage was a little "Thank You". However the uncle behaved as if nothing happened and just walked away like a normal Mumbaikar. I smiled and continued my journey.
These two accidents were very different, however still the same. The two aunties expected me to ask them for a lift while uncle did not even bother to say thank you. While helping others we often think what's in store me. Why should I do it? What will he do in return for me and when we do good to other we still complaint of how insensitive the other person can be. We, the civilised modern society are practically trained to expect something in return for everything that we do. That's exactly where we falter in our lives trying to find the perfect balance, the perfect mojo but we cannot fulfill everyone's expectations. All we can do is at least try to change something.
Hence this is the day I decide to lead my life by example. Do it yourself.. Inspire to aspire.. All the best...

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Missing Sunset...

Travelling by air has its own benefits or perks that you may call. You save time but you also get free goodies. The one in my collection is called the eye pack/ cover. Just tied it around your eyes and suddenly its night. The best part of a Sunday is when you wake up early morning, realise its a Sunday, put on your eye cap and go back to sleep. Classic.

But on the contrary, you don't really get to see the beautiful early morning sunrise. Very few people understand this as a spiritual experience.

In this super fast world, our individual lives have got complicated. Its just busy. Running after the train, catching the bus, trying to catch the auto back home. In all this mess we have forgotten to appreciate nature.

I left early from work today. Mom had given me a task to pick up some masala from churchgate ( her new obsession this month... Pickle making). I took the usually longer route to reach the shop. At 6.30 pm, the sun was beginning to set. The hazy orange sky made it look like a mosaic painting. It was beaaautifullll!!! ...... A little walk opened a new dimension for me. The beauty of nature. What was different about this you may ask. Nothing ... Nothing at all. What made all the difference is that I looked at the sunset today after so many days. Kept my phone in my pocket and just observed the beautiful serene nature.

Yes indeed,  it was a very spiritual experience. The sunrise gives us a new hope to live another day, but the sunset tell us to rest as another hectic day is awaiting me. The sunset was never missing, it was me that missed then entire point of it.