Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lets Uncomplicate.............

This column of mine is purely dedication to my lovely sister who is a prime example of complication. My sister is a pretty sorted person. She can very well differentiate between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. She has her priorities set straight. Then the question arises "why is she complicated?" Well to answer this let me first deviate a little.

Once upon a time (I so loveee this word) there was a man who was very intelligent, smart, witty, confidence, basically a guy who can fight the world alone with a sword. One day he set on a journey to visit the nearest kingdom to sell pots that he had made. He had heard from many travelers that there is a kingdom on the northeast path of his village. This kingdom was ruled by a very good king. He was kind, brave and courageous. The only one flaw that he had was his belief in his court astrologer. He could not take any decision without the consultation of this astrologer. The king would wear all the possible astrological symbols needed for him to succeed. Mr. Potter had heard that this king was a great businessman as well and his subjects would pay a good price for his pots. However, if the potter had to enter the kingdom he had to accomplish certain customs before he entered. He readily agreed as he wanted a good price for his pots. So he set sail on a long journey with all his pots. 

As advised by the others he had to first stop at the banyan tree and hang upside down for half a day. This custom, as believed by the local folklore and the king is useful to ward of the evil forces. Since you hang upside down the evil will fall off (wiered). Then as he moved ahead, he noticed a plain path which had thorny bushes all around. The stretch across was nearly 2 km. He had to roll on this path to ensure that evil forces are tired and leave the body. Now since this was a long path and the potter decided to carry his pots to the end of the road. Once he reached he kept his pots in a secure location and came back to the spot where he started. Now he had to roll for those two kilometres. By the time he reached the stretch he was all drained out and famished. He wanted to eat something but could not as he was advised against it. When he reached the place where his pots were kept he observed that a few pots were broken as the monkey were busy jumping on them. Hungry, tired, irritated he continued his journey. The next stop was local temple. This was the entry into the kingdom. However this would not be simple either. He would have to climb nearly 500 stairs on his knees. (Wow)... So our Mr. Potter being a very obedient student started to arrange himself to a position where he could climb the stairs. He did contemplate for a moment whether he should walk those mammoth stairs keeping his pots coming back, going back accomplishing his tasks and then finally picking up pots once done. But then he was so tired (physically and mentally) that he just wanted to get over with these stairs business. Like a very good student he arranged the pots on his head and started to climb the stairs. Trust me when I say this, that this was not easy.  

To climb the stairs on his knees and along with managing that basket of pots on his head was just next to impossible. But he never gave up. He started the long journey in the night. While he was walking, a few pots fell off and were instantly broken. This broke his heart as his hard work was wasted. He still continued his journey and somehow managed to reach the top. He entered the temple, collected the flowers and left. Since he was famished he sat near the edge of the temple trying very hard to keep his mind blank. Suddenly he saw a priest and curiously asked him about all these customs. The priest informed the potter about the king’s faith in blind faith was the route cause. As per him these custom was meant to tire the evil in you so that it does not come again. Irritated the potter rested for the night. The next day he arrived in the local market. Since his few pots were destroyed he immediately jacked up the rates. His pot now priced at twice his normal price. The potter waited for the entire day but failed to find any customer for the asking price. Fed up with all this he slashed the price of his pots to half and sold off all that he had. At the end of this day he sat down under a tree and reflected on the day. What had he achieved? The answer...... nothing. Like a fool he was hanging from the tree , rolled over the path, fought monkeys, climbed stairs on his knees and finally sold of his pots at half his price. Why did he do all this? Because people asked him to do it. This was the custom of the land. It was just done as people believed that this had some eternal meaning which could not be explained. Not one person gave a satisfactory answers to why was this done. All he wanted was a good price for his pots which he did not get. He just got up and walked away deciding never to ever do all of this again.

We are similar this potter in many ways. Our ancestors have told us something and we just illogically do it. Go the temple on sunday, do not enter the temple on those days of a month, put a black tikka on ur head. etc etc. I don't get it when people say that put a black tikka on your head to ward of evil however black is considered the sign of evil anyways. In India we remove nazar with salt as it wards of evil and if u keep salt near you house it will attract of evil (Utter bullshit).
Coming back to my sister. She is just like the potter in every way. She can fight the world with a sword single handed. But when it come to blind faith she will just do it as others have said it. Everything in life is beautiful. God made the good and then he made the bad also. Not that the bad will kills us and harm us but for us to understand what is good and what is bad. Have you ever wondered why these animals don’t follow all this bullshit that we do. Cause they are animals. They have not been given the power to reason. We have been given that power to reason. But don’t we just love to love to complicate everything. Why is that lady staring at me? My child will have a bad stomach if she stares at her milk bottle (cover it), others should not watch me eating food or I will have a stomach upset….. OMG .... 

But that’s her. I can change her and don't want to either. I hope she appreciate the most beautiful thing is life. There are no set rule, no definitions, no principles. Its just the way you like it and the way you want it. The nomads never wore clothes but we do, it our choice. We evolved due certain people who were outcaste from society for their different thinking. The reason I wrote this blog today is that I want people to see the simple beauty of life. What may be good for you may not be good for me. When you are on your death bed the only person you are answerable to is yourself and god. Live the life you want not what others want you to.     

Don't complicate... Let's uncomplicated!!!!

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