Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jesus Christ - The true meaning

Its wired. As a normal Sunday ritual I was getting lectured by my father about how incomplete a Christian I am. Just because I don't attend Sunday day mass, my dad loves loves to question my faith in god and the way I am leading my incomplete life. He is also equally critical about his views in the way the priest are today but still ensures that all the customs and traditions are still followed.
On the contrary I just can't stand the way the church today functions. Its all looks like a very rehearsed play, that does not seem to change. On special occasions the services is tweeked by adding some specials elements like music and song. This keeps the crowd entertained. As a child I remember the beauty of the Sunday mass. Being utterly irritated and waking up early. Queuing to take a shower, put on your best clothes and shoes, powder up (as kids we were not allowed make up) and attend mass. During the service I have been pinched by my sister for sleeping during the sermon. The best past of the mass was the recessional hym and my personal favorite "Go the mass has ended, go and tell the world".
However the utter most joy was when we left the church and went shopping with my granny. The Sunday market used to bustling with fresh produce from the local farmers, the fresh catch of the day from the sea, the chickens chirping their way etc etc. Going home and mixing all those ingredients to make the perfect Sunday dish. Usually a delicious curry and rice.

But all these customs still do not establish the importance of god in our lives. Jesus for me in one word I my best friend. He understands everything I want to say even before I say and this is what sometimes I feel. The bible has different versions of stories and take about god and his punishment if we do not do something. But that's exactly when Jesus came to this earth to simplify things for me. He gave me only one commandment." Love one another as I have loved you". Also I find it very funny and hypocritical when people talk about very big things.. Like Jesus gave his life for us, took away my sins, cleaned me with his blood.. etc etc. etc. I could never understand any of these notion till date. I tired my level best to understand but could not get my thinking to it. 

Then one fine day I was hit by a lighting bolt (metaphorically of course). I was attending easter mass and I was staring at the cross and then I realized. Jesus taught me one thing that no one else taught me that is  "forgiveness". It simply translates to he took away my sins by forgiving me. He cleansed me within his blood by giving me another chance. He gave me a new life by telling me its OK but don't give up. We as Christians just need to understand one thing that the purity of the cross can only be maintained if I have forgiven and have forgotten. If I cannot do this very basic thing that I do not deserve to go to church and pray to god.Love as I have loved you and forgive as I have forgiven you. If we as human beings understand this one principal then the world be a much beautiful place to live in.

And remember the best change can be within you. Don't change the world... start with changing your thinking. The world  will change on its own. This my simple motto for life. Don't complicate things. The more simple you make the more easier it would be.

May god bless you and give you peace in your live. Take care!!

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