Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Programmed Heart

Yes its true! I know its sounds very strange but its the truth... our hearts are indeed programmed. It is one   in the world that does not follow any command. But still it knows how to respond and where to respond. If you observe it closely it like this mini computers, that has the capacity to perform in numerable things at the same time with pre-existing commands.

The motive of writing this blog is all the rom-com I have watched in the recent past. I am a big romcom fan.. I actually try to watch every rom com movie. Its the usual story. Boy meets girl. Either they like each other or hate each other. But in the end they know, somehow that they need to end up together. The interesting question to be answered id that how does this really happen. Is it some kind of chemical imbalance (called chemical locha in Hindi ) within some corner of the brain or is it something that makes your heart pump really fast.

Of recently I have fallen madly in love with Bradley Cooper. He has that perfect rugged looks and is extremely charming. Of course when I see him my heart skips a beat. There were similar feeling with Brad Pitt once upon a time. Though I blush at the thought of these guys I still know that there is some place empty in my heart where someone permanently will sit.

People say matches are made in heaven. I do believe this cause the Bible says that "God took a rib from Adam and made Eve from it". So this proves it that matches are truly made in heaven. What is also interesting to observe is that in a fetus the first organ that seriously develops is the heart. This is where all the decisions are made. Your brain can go wrong but your heart will never be wrong. Its is where God lives.

I would still stand by what is said. Our heart is truly programmed cause it causes chemical locha . It knows what is right and what is wrong. Its selects the best from the rest.

Go people...............Fall in love and trust your hearts, it will never disappoint you :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year that Went by...

I have never been a deep thinker of sorts. Just done things in the moment. But after contemplating over this blog for a long time I finally made up my mind to write this section. Since the 2010 is just over I thought its best for me to analyse myself in the last year. So what changed in the last year... let me think.... hmmm. well nothing... There were a lot of new year resolution that I made did I stick to them.. again no...

So what was so event full in this year. I think of of the most important lessons that I have learnt is that time and tide wait for none. A year went by, I grew a year older.. but somehow that has not changed the way I look at the world.
  1. Put God first before everything
  2. Do everything with your true heart
  3. Times and Tide wait for none
  4. The world will give you all the advise you need and even criticised the way you think and feel, but stand your grounds and believe in the power of "Me"
  5. You have to fight your own battle no one will do it for you.. you will get all the support from your family, but remember the battle is still your
  6. Our destiny is definitely preplanned but God has given us the power to take decisions, they may be wrong to the world but if you know your grounds then stand by it
  7. And Finally.. to hell with the world.. I will do what I feel best

 As I said earlier nothing major or radical that happened this year, but this is one of the most eventful years in my life and will stay with me for the rest of my life....