Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Women with 8 hands

Yes, Its completely true. I did see a women with 8 hands. This may sound so untrue but she really exists. 8 real hands with fingers and nail. I was there wondering is this true or just a figment of my imagination. But a strong pinch on my right hand introduced me to reality. There she was right in front of. I was lost waiting for words, but it refused to come. Her name is "Mom"
Might sound strange to you all but my Mom definitely has 8 hands. Its more magical cause one single shout "Mom" in my house solves all the problems. Looks like god has given her a magic wand which makes sure that all your problems are solved. One stop shop for all solutions.
I am surprised at my self cause it took me 20 years to realise that there is nothing that this women cant do. She cooks, cleans, washes, watches, feed, educates, nurtures, heals, counsels, freaks out, shouts, manages her office, kids at home, puts them to bed, goes vegetable shopping, bargains brilliantly. etc etc etc. I don't think i have a list that will give a complete demonstration about the capacity but i know there never can be one. She is the only one who can bear child birth. She can remove a part out of her and yet thinks she is compelete

This magician exists in each and every household, however this seems our inability to recognise this magical creation of god. Seeing her now i realise that being a mother is the most wonderful feeling in this world, but it brings along equal amount of responsibility. Sometimes i wonder if i will be ever able to be somewhere near her when i become a mother. As rightly said by some one, "God cannot be everywhere that he created Parents and very specially a Mother". I love you god cause you gave me the most beautiful gift "My Ma".